A Detailed History of Special Forces
Shadow Warriors:
The Office
of Strategic Services
The Office of Strategic
Services was the product of William Donovan, an
imposing man-mountain of a visionary whose propensity for
freewheeling activity earned him the nickname of "Wild
Bill." Donovan was tough and smart, a veteran of World
War I who received the Medal of Honor for heroism on the Western
Front in October 1918, and who made a fortune as a Wall Street
lawyer during the Twenties and Thirties. When World War II
finally erupted in Europe and threatened to engulf the United
States, Donovan was able to convince President Franklin D.
Roosevelt that a new type of organization would have to be
formed, one that would collect intelligence and wage secret
operations behind enemy lines.
In 1941, President Roosevelt
directed Donovan to form this agency, called the Coordinator
of Intelligence (COI), and Donovan, who had been a civilian
since World War I, was made a colonel. COI blossomed quickly,
forming operational sites in England, North Africa, India, Burma
and China. In 1942, the agency was renamed the OSS and Donovan
became a major general.
The primary operation of the OSS
in Europe was called the Jedburgh mission. It consisted
of dropping three-man teams into France, Belgium and Holland,
where they trained partisan resistance movements and conducted
guerrilla operations against the Germans in preparation for the
D-Day invasion. Other OSS operations took place in Asia, most
spectacularly in Burma, where OSS Detachment 101 organized
11,000 Kachin tribesmen into a force that eventually
killed 10,000 Japanese at a loss of only 206 of its own.
After the war, President Harry S.
Truman disbanded the OSS, but not before it had left a legacy
still felt today. From its intelligence operations came the
nucleus of men and techniques that would give birth to the Central Intelligence Agency on
September 18, 1947. (Indeed, the first directors of the CIA were
veterans of the OSS.) From its guerrilla operations came the
nucleus of men and techniques that would give birth to the
Special Forces in June 1952.
Colonel Aaron Bank and Colonel Russell Volckmann, two OSS
operatives who remained in the military after the war, worked
tirelessly to convince the Army to adopt its own unconventional
guerrilla-style force. They had an ally in Brigadier General
Robert McClure, who headed the Army's psychological warfare
staff in the Pentagon. Bank and Volckmann convinced the Army
chiefs that there were areas in the world not susceptible to
conventional warfare - Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe
especially - but that would make ideal targets for
unconventional harassment and guerrilla fighting. Special
operations as envisioned by the two men, and by Bank in
particular, were a force multiplier: a small number of soldiers
who could sow a disproportionately large amount of trouble for
the enemy. Confusion would reign among enemy ranks and
objectives would be accomplished with an extreme economy of
manpower. It was a bold idea, one that went against the grain of
traditional concepts, but by 1952 the Army was finally ready to
embark on a new era of unconventional warfare.
- Next: The 77th Special Forces Group
A Detailed History of
Special Forces

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