A Detailed History of Special Forces
Special Forces in
the 21st Century
To meet the challenges of the
future, Special Forces are training harder than ever before.
They have to. As conflict continues to threaten dozens of U.S.
allies throughout the world, the Defense Department looks for an
answer more and more to the unique training and experience of
the Green Berets. Fort Bragg's John F.
Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School (JFK SWC), where
prospective Special Forces soldiers are carefully selected, is
training more men than ever for Special Forces qualification and
dangerous tasks like free fall parachuting, escape missions and
maritime operations.
The June 1990 reactivation of
Fort Bragg's 3rd Special Forces Group has brought to five
the number of Special Forces groups on active-duty status. Other
Special Forces groups are the original 10th Group
stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado, with its 1st
Battalion still stationed in Germany; the 1st
Group at Fort Lewis, Washington, with its 1st
Battalion stationed in Okinawa; the 5th Group
at Fort Campbell, Kentucky; and the 7th Group at Fort
Bragg, North Carolina. Reserve forces include the 19th
and 20th Groups (National Guard).
These forces are not standing
idly by, waiting to be challenged. They are deployed where the
threat of conflict is real - in Latin America, Asia, Europe, the
Middle East and Africa - training U.S. allies to defend
themselves, countering the threat of dangerous insurgents,
serving as teachers and ambassadors while developing important
international relations. They are following the admirable
principles of the Special Forces Creed.
A Detailed History of Special Forces

This page is an
unofficial document and does not represent information
endorsed by the United States Government, the United
States Special Operations Command or the United States
Army Special Operations Command. However, most
information is derived from those sources and has been
checked for accuracy. For comments, questions, and
suggestions, please go to the Communications
Center. |
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