The Green Beret
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Beret Flashes
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SOF Missions
About SOF
SF Primer
SF Imperatives

The SF Soldier
The Team Leader
The Team Tech
SF Sergeants
SF Heroes
Medal of Honor

Duty Positions by MOS
SF-ODA - The "A" Team
Support Elements
SF Aviation / SOAR
JFK SWC & School
SF Command - ASFC
R &D - Technology

Assessment - SFAS
Qualification - SFQC
Specialty Training
SF Schools

New Technologies
Special Ops Aircraft
Weapons / Demo

The "Coin Check"
The SF Creed
SF Memorial Fund
Concerning "Hooah!"
Green Beret Ballad
The SF Prayer
John Wayne - Bull Dog
The Real Rambo
Murphy's Laws
Rogers' Orders
The Ranger Creed
The Creation (ABN)
Commando's Prayer

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U.S. Army Special Forces
"The Green Berets"

The A-Team Leader - Detachment Commander

What are the responsibilities of a Special Forces Captain / Major?

The Special Forces officer must be capable of planning and executing four of the five Special Forces missions of unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, direct action, and special reconnaissance. Only selected Special Forces officers who are specially trained will have the capabilities to conduct a counter-terrorism mission. Because Special Forces units can be employed in direct support of general purpose forces throughout the operational continuum, the Special Forces officer must also understand his role in the Air Land Battle and retain his company-level conventional skills developed in his accession branch.

The unit mission essential task list (METL) in his Special Forces Group will require knowledge in a wide variety of common and special operations tasks. Not only must the Special Forces captain know the tasks that will make him mission capable in independent special operations, but he must also be able to operate in close association with conventional forces in large scale contingency operations. Because Special Forces units are area-oriented to specific theaters, the specific battle focus of the assigned unit may vary from unit to unit.

 - Other Positions Filled by Captains & Majors


This page is an unofficial document and does not represent information endorsed by the United States Government, the United States Special Operations Command or the United States Army Special Operations Command. However, most information is derived from those sources and has been checked for accuracy. For comments, questions, and suggestions, please go to the Communications Center.

Gunnery Network - SOF