The U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological
Operations Command (Airborne) is the headquarters for Army Civil Affairs and
Psychological Operations units - Of U.S. Army CAPOC (Airborne) approximate
9,000 soldiers, about 83 percent are in the Reserve component
and are located in 26 states and the District of Columbia.
The command has one active duty
Psychological Operations unit, the 4th
Psychological Operations Group (Airborne), with five
battalions; and one active duty Civil Affairs unit, the 96th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne),
with six companies. Both units are located at Fort Bragg, North
USACAPOC(A), also headquartered
at Fort Bragg, is one of four major commands comprising the U.S. Army Special Operations Command.
USACAPOC(A) soldiers maintain the highest standards of training
and physical readiness in order to be prepared to deploy
anywhere in the world on short notice.
Although Civil Affairs and
Psychological Operations activities often complement each other,
each battle system operates individually in support of field
Civil Affairs soldiers are the
field commander's link to the civil authorities in his area of
operation. With specialists in every area of the government,
they can assist a host government meet its people's needs and
maintain a stable and viable civil administration.
Civil Affairs soldiers possess
unique training, skills and experience. Since the majority of
the Civil Affair forces are in the Reserve component, these
soldiers bring to the Army finely honed skills practiced daily
in the civilian sector as judges, physicians, bankers, health
inspectors, fire chiefs, etc.
Psychological Operations soldiers
use persuasion to influence perceptions and encourage desired
behavior. The cornerstone of PSYOPS is truth, credibly presented
to convince a given audience to cease resistance or take actions
favorable to friendly forces. During Desert Storm, the effective
use of PSYOPS was a combat multiplier that directly contributed
to the surrender of thousands of Iraqi soldiers. It is clear its
effectiveness saved countless coalition and Iraqi lives.
Psychological Operations units
also have soldiers with unique skills. These soldiers are
communicators who provide the commander with the ability to
communicate information to large audiences via radio,
television, leaflets and loudspeakers. The PSYOPS soldier's
language skills, regional orientation and knowledge of
communication media provide a means of delivering critical
information to host-nation audiences.
USACAPOC(A) units provide support
to all theater commanders in meeting their global commitments.
USACAPOC(A) soldiers have contributed significantly to recent
humanitarian missions. They assisted victims of Hurricane Andrew
in Florida, coordinated refuge for Cubans and Haitians in Cuba,
and were among the first soldiers sent to Somalia and Haiti.
Unique training, experience and the abilities of USACAPOC(A)'s
soldiers make them an ideal asset in dealing with national

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unofficial document and does not represent information
endorsed by the United States Government, the United
States Special Operations Command or the United States
Army Special Operations Command. However, most
information is derived from those sources and has been
checked for accuracy. For comments, questions, and
suggestions, please go to the Communications
Center. |

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