Psychological Operations
JFK Special Warfare Center and
Psychological Operations Department
The primary mission of the Psychological
Operations Department is to prepare qualified, selected
personnel for psychological operations-related unit, staff, and
advisory positions. The PSYOP department offers instruction to
all qualified active and reserve officers and enlisted
personnel, as well as officers from allied nations.
The PSYOP Officer Course covers
social sciences, PSYOP planning and techniques, and target
audience research and analysis. Normally about half of the
students in each class are allied officers. The Reserve
Component PSYOP Officer Course is taught in two active-duty
phases. Personnel use the Army Correspondence Course Program for
the remainder of their instruction. The department also conducts
the PSYOP Specialist Course, which is advanced individual
training for the enlisted 96F (PSYOP specialist) military
occupational specialty. The course provides students with
training in PSYOP techniques and uses, as well as target
audience research and analysis. In addition, the department
offers coordination for various joint PSYOP officer and enlisted
See Also:

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information is derived from those sources and has been
checked for accuracy. For comments, questions, and
suggestions, please go to the Communications
Center. |

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