05 March 2003 |
Gun Facts
version 3.2 has been added.
In my opinion, Gun Facts is the finest
document available pertaining to gun ownership and our Second
Amendment rights. It dispels the many myths of firearms ownership
and gives an objective and factual representation of lawful gun
ownership and gun crime in this country.
Gun Facts is a must read
for all citizens, reporters, elected representatives and scholars
alike. |
04 March 2003 |
Server Upgrade Complete: Our new & very
powerful dedicated server is now operational. We are victims
of our success and overwhelming popularity and were again forced to
"upgrade the server". Gunnery Network has been hosted on a
"Dedicated Server" for several years. We have either outgrown the
capabilities of the hardware or outgrown the contracted and
allocated bandwidth.
The new server is a purpose built Linux Plus
Web Server with Dual AMD Athlon 2200 MP Processors, a
120 GB IDE Hard Drive, 500 GB Data
Transfer, Urchin Web Stats, Miva eCommerce Suite and
4GB of SDRAM. |
More importantly the new "Server Farm" is in the Dedicated Data
Center of a Tier One provider and most importantly, our new contract
includes 500 GB of OC-48 bandwidth per month. Our old server,
a very capable SUN Cobalt RaQ4i was saturated with the amount of
page views requested and hits served. More importantly, the contract
only allowed 50 GB per month. We typically use 75-125 GB monthly,
forcing us to pay substantial "Bandwidth Penalties". Over the last
2-years we have increased our bandwidth usage by a factor of 300%.
With the additional processing power and bandwidth available for
development you can anticipate some new features. Including more
downloads, more multi-media and more graphics. I ask you to suggest
features and programs for our consideration. And ask you to check
back soon for some exciting new features online soon.
Please Report Bad Links and Missing Files to:
[email protected] |