Taurus Boosts NRA Membership By 5,000
Taurus International has paid the memberships of 5,000
National Rifle Association members through a program to �strongly support preservation of the cherished civil liberties American citizens enjoy,� according to Bob Morrison, Taurus� executive vice president.
In April, Taurus announced that the company would provide a free annual membership in the NRA for each new Taurus rifle, revolver and pistol sold at retail between April 15 and Oct. 31. The program was extended to Dec. 31.
�We have added over 5,000 new memberships (as of the end of September) to the NRA for proud new owners of Taurus firearms,� said Morrison. �We believe that by the end of the year that number will be much closer to 15,000.�
Taurus also offered free membership to all its employees.
�We are immensely proud of our relationship with the NRA and feel they are the frontrunners in our ongoing struggle to retain our guaranteed civil rights,� said Morrison. �We have constantly reminded all our friends that with every right there is an attendant
responsibility to protect that right by sensible ownership, storage
and safe handling of firearms.
�Being the leader in this area has brought us closer to our customers and dealers, and we are delighted that we have
provided meaningful leadership in assisting the NRA to find new members. Our thoughts on safety training and awareness is backed by the NRA, who has provided more safety instruction
and awareness of our responsibilities than all other organizations combined.�
Taurus is planning a special ceremony at the SHOT Show to announce the final number of NRA memberships the company
has sponsored.

12/23/2000 - Winchester� Ammunition is pleased to announce the launch of a new, third generation web site.
The new site features a dynamic, detailed product catalog that provides rich content to assist the site visitor in selecting Winchester
Ammunition. The information includes ballistics details and product and packaging graphics.
Site visitors have the option to create a �Wish List� that can be forwarded to Winchester
Ammunition Advisory Center Diamond Dealers for fulfillment.
Additional site features are a press release section, law enforcement and industrial sections, retailer locater section, extensive Winchester licensee section, new product
section, library section, and much more. The new site design
showcases old artwork from the Winchester archives. In addition to providing extensive information for Winchester
customers, the site includes a Winchester store where consumers can purchase Winchester logo merchandise online.
Winchester partnered with Third Eye Media of St. Louis to develop the new site. Third Eye was able to combine the look and feel of the traditional Winchester with the
high quality,
technologically advanced design and functionality capabilities of the Internet. This combination has resulted in a web site that is much more than a product information site � it is an information-rich user experience that keeps customers coming back for more.
Winchester has again set the industry standard for Internet technology at its best.
For more information about Winchester Ammunition, visit their new website at
URL: http://www.winchester.com |

Dateline 21 December 2000, Canada: Press reports from major Canadian newspapers say that millions of gun owners there have yet to obtain licenses for their firearms in
compliance with the country's controversial new gun law that goes into effect January 1.
So far, about 1.7 million Canadians have complied. The actual number of gun owners in Canada is
unclear, with some estimates ranging from 3.3 million to as many as 9 million.
Under the new law that covers previously exempted rifles and shotguns, gun owners have until Dec. 31, 2000, to obtain a gun license, and then must register their firearms with the
government by Dec. 31, 2002. As of Jan. 1, 2001, gun owners without a license will not be able to purchase ammunition. Anyone without the proper license can face penalties that include up to five years in prison.
Originally passed in 1995, the licensing and registration program has reportedly cost the government $327
million to implement. The law faced heavy opposition from gun owner organizations as well as several provincial and territorial governments who challenged its constitutionality before the country's Supreme Court.
The court, however, upheld the law in a ruling last summer.
Even police groups are divided in their support. The Canadian Police Association representing rank-and-file officers has postponed the question of supporting the law until sometime next year.
Reported by NSSF - National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Dateline 19 December 2000, Exeter, NH: One of the country's most comprehensive "gun locking device" laws is now in place.
All firearms sold in New York now must be delivered with a "gun locking device". This applies to all retail sales, whether the guns are new or used.
For a complete overview go to the NRA web site:
URL: http://www.nafr.org/content_htm/rule17.htm |

NRA's 16th Annual Youth Hunting
Hundreds of hunter education graduates from across North America will converge on the 33,000-plus acres of NRA�s Whittington Center in Raton, New Mexico, this summer to �take the challenge� in the spirit of safety and
sportsmanship during the 2001 NRA International Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC), July 29-August 3.
YEHC is an advanced hunter education program designed to enhance classroom knowledge with in-the-field experience. Young hunters compete in a series of eight events: .22 rifle, shotgun, archery, muzzleloading,
orienteering, wildlife identification, hunter safety trail, and a written hunter responsibility exam. Nearly 43,000 youths compete in state and Canadian provincial-level YHECs each year, any of who are welcome at the annual
international event.
Developed by NRA in 1985, YHEC is conducted through volunteer hunter education instructors, state conservation agencies, and shooting sports organizations, and has reached over one million youngsters thus far. Many states have YHEC coordinators to help organize teams and events. Woolrich and Imperial
Schrade, both of which have sponsored the event since its inception.
In addition to YHEC�s eight main events, special activities will also be featured during the week, including a perennial favorite, the Cherokee Run. Patterned after the fur traders of the 1800s, the event challenges young contestants to sprint through the woods while being timed on �mountain man� skills like tomahawk throwing and starting fires with flint and steel.
The requirements for participation in the international event are that youths have completed a hunter
education course in North America and have competed in their respective state or provincial event.
Participation is divided into two categories: Senior, for ages 15-19; and Junior, for ages 14 and below. Through YHEC is a competitive program, the real �challenge� for participants lies with skill development and the advancement of hunter safety and responsibility.
�The NRA remains as steadfast in its commitment to bring the finest safety, ethics, hunter skills, and marksmanship training to young hunters as it was 50 yards ago when cooperative efforts with the state of New York yielded the development of mandatory hunter education programs as we know them today,� said Craig D.
Sandler, Executive Director of NRA General Operations. �I feel certain that in working together with other in the hunting community, we will continue to carry the torch to ensure our nation�s hunting heritage for generations to come.�
The National Rifle Association has been a leader in hunting and wildlife conservation since its inception in 1871, and provides an entire department dedicated to serving the needs of hunters. Through YHEC and other such programs, NRA�s Hunter Services Department provides training opportunities at every skill level and encompasses the entire spectrum of hunting-related topics.
For details on participating in the 2001 NRA International YHEC, on any of the scheduled 2001 state or provincial challenges, or on becoming involved as an YHEC volunteer in your area, contact the NRA Hunter Services Department at 703-267-1500.
Web URL http://www.NRA.org

Got Sturmgewehr?
Military & LE Sales
SIG's Sturmgewehr SG 551
& SG 552 Assault
Rifles are again available in the USA for Military and Law
Enforcement Agencies.

For more info click here

Steyr Mannlicher News
New Steyr S-Series
In January 2001 the compact S-Series pistol will arrive in the United States.
This revolutionary pistol, like its M-Series predecessor, has superb ergonomic design and user-selectable safety features, like the world's
first integrated limited access key lock safety. It will be chambered in
.357 SIG, 40 Liberty, and 9mm Luger (9x19).

Steyr S-Series
All S-Series pistols will feature Steyr's new upgraded trigger system. Look for safety, reliability, and
performance in this lighter, smaller S-Series pistol.
Steyr M-Series Free Trigger Upgrade
If you have a Steyr M-Series Pistol, you can get a free trigger upgrade at GSI Firearms, the distributor of Steyr Mannlicher
Firearms in the USA.
More info at URL: http://www.gsifirearms.com
Steyr Mannlicher Pro Hunter SBS
As you know Gunnery Network in
and we try our best to be objective. We do not want to sound like
gun salesmen, typical of the commercial "Gun Rags".
As you can imagine, I own and get to test and handle a lot of fine
guns. All that said, I recently
purchased a new Steyr Mannlicher
Pro Hunter SBS in 7mm Magnum and I just have to say...

This is one of, if not simply the finest rifle in the world in it's
price range and even when compared to much more expensive rifles
or some guns not even close to it's
price range. It is also quite reasonability priced, I paid $635.00 for mine
[ read my wife paid $635 for mine. ] Even the "Blind
Sniper" fell in love with it, so much so that he cancelled
his order for a another great gun he had wanted for a long time
and put a down payment on a Steyr SBS Pro Hunter. He may be
blind, but he isn't dumb! Look for a full product review soon.
- SBS stands for Safe Bolt System.
Top Viking Sends

Mossberg Recalls
Bolt-Action Shotgun
O.F. Mossberg & Sons is voluntarily
recalling a limited number
of its Model 695 bolt-action shotguns. The recall was announced
after company officials discovered that a limited number of the
shotguns might discharge when the bolt is closed during the loading.
The shotguns under recall were produced in 1995 and 1996 with
serial numbers ranging from M000101 to M015304. Mossberg
is cautioning consumers not to load or use one of these shotguns until
it has been inspected and/or repaired at the factory.
Officials at Mossberg are requesting that owners of Model 695 shotguns
within the specified range of serial numbers contact the company to
make arrangements to ship their shotguns to Mossberg. A visual
inspection of the firearm will not necessarily reveal the potential
for a Model 695 shotgun to discharge unexpectedly, officials
added. Shotgun owners should not attempt to diagnose the
potential for the accidental firing of one of the shotguns in
question, nor should they try to repair a shotgun themselves.
Company officials urge anyone who currently owns one of the shotguns,
or who purchased one and gave it or sold it to another party, to
contact the company immediately by calling a toll-free consumer line,
1-888-920-0486, between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Mossberg will cover all costs related to the shipping and the
inspection / repair. Customers returning shotguns should remove any accessories, such as scopes or slings, before sending the
shotguns in for service.

Smith & Wesson
Further Reduces Workforce
Smith & Wesson reduced its workforce at the company�s Springfield, Mass., facility as a result of an extended decline in business.
Approximately 125 employees, both salary and hourly,
were affected by the reduction.
Not only have the "British
Lords" of S&W screwed the Gun Industry, they have also screwed
their employees with their stupid "Slick Willie Klinton & HUD
See also: The Slick & Wesson Sell Out!
URL: http://www.GunneryNetwork.com/RKBA/s-w-sucks.html

Elk in the Smoky Mountains!
Majestic Manitoba Elk return to the Carolina's

SIG Arms News - SIG Arms SOLD!
German investors buy SIG Arms


Blount Purchases Estate Cartridge Blount International has purchased Estate Cartridge Inc. of Willis, Texas, manufacturers of
sporting shotshell ammunition. The business, known as America�s Custom Shotshell
Manufacturer, will become part of Blount�s Sporting Equipment Group.
�Having watched Estate develop into a well-rounded producer of high quality waterfowl and
target shotshell ammunition, we are extremely pleased to add the Estate products to Blount�s
other well-known product lines,� said G. W. Bersett, president of the Sporting Equipment Group.
Officials also indicate that Estate�s manufacturing facility in Texas will allow Blount to ease
seasonal bottlenecks in the company�s shotshell production lines and to provide better
availability of specialized shotshells for their customers. |

Marlin Buys H&R 1871
North Haven, CT
The Marlin Firearms Company of North Haven, Connecticut, has purchased the
assets of H&R 1871, Inc., of Gardner, Massachusetts, according to Robert Behn, Marlin President. The new company, to
be known as H&R 1871, LLC, is the world's largest ' manufacturer
of single shot, break-action shotguns and rifles. They are sold under the brand names Harrington & Richardson, New England Firearms and Wesson & Harrington. Marlin did not purchase the handgun operation, which ceased production in 1999.
Production of H&R products will continue at the Gardner plant, and no significant changes in current top management are anticipated.
Marlin Chairman, Frank Kenna III, commenting on the acquisition, stated:
"H&R is the kind of solid, reputable company that we continue to actively pursue in order to solidify and expand our position in the industry."