Gunnery Network
Gunnery Network

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New! Added May 24, 2002: By using this site, you agree to hold harmless Mark Solomon, packing.org's internet host, and packing.org volunteer administrators. Any and all content can be edited or removed in whole or part to conform the content to the image of the site as deemed by its administrators. All submissions on packing.org are the property of Mark Solomon. The views expressed by the users of packing.org do not necessarily express the views of Mark Solomon.

The information on this site should be considered "as-is" and is not guaranteed to be accurate in any way. The maintainers of this site make an effort, when possible, to try to verify the information, but we are not lawyers and, therefore, we cannot and will not give legal advice. If you need accurate answers, hire an attorney who is licensed in the state in question.

The information provided here is intended to give you a good starting point on the topic of Carrying Concealed Weapons (CCW) and where to look for authoritative information on CCW. When possible, we try to provide a resource of contact information (State Police, State Attorneys General, Licensing Authorities, etc) for you to verify the information on this site. Where this contact information is absent from this site, it is up to the reader to find it.

Therefore, it is completely up to the reader to verify ALL information on this site.

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