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Bush Administration Gets Top Rating from U.S. Gun Dean
U.S. Newswire - 8 Aug 2001

WASHINGTON, Aug. 8  2001 - U.S Newswire -- "The Bush-Cheney Administration has initiated an historic, dramatic change in federal government policy regarding the rights of scores of millions of law-abiding American firearm owners," John Michael Snyder, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, stated here today.

National media, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Washington Times, the New York Daily News, CNBC-TV and others have named Snyder the Dean of gun lobbyists.

"The shift since January 20 truly is remarkable," said Snyder.

"Antagonism and hostility characterized the dark days of the Clinton presidency. It now seems clear that President George W. Bush has set the government on an enlightened course of friendship and cooperation with the national Second Amendment community.

"We welcome and appreciate this development. We hope it continues and flourishes."

Snyder noted specific Bush Administration actions as concrete evidence of the policy shift.

In the Justice Department alone, said Snyder, there is "monumental evidence. Attorney General John Ashcroft has stated clearly that the Second Amendment recognizes an individual civil right to keep and bear arms, a position that directly contradicts that of the previous administration.

"General Ashcroft has directed the Department to draft a legal finding which asserts individuals have a constitutional right to possess firearms. The Attorney General also has announced plans to reduce to one day from 90 days the time required for the keeping of records of firearm sales approved via the National Instant Criminal Records Check system.

"The Bush Administration has abandoned the nonsensical gun buyback program of the Clinton Administration."

Snyder said, "the Bush Administration also stood up last month for Americans' gun rights on the international scene. Undersecretary of State John R. Bolton told the UN General Assembly in no uncertain terms that it had better back away from infringement on the Second Amendment as it considered a proposed draft accord on the international sale of small arms.

"With their failure in the General Assembly, UN bureaucrats are trying to push their international gun grab through the UN Security Council. Hopefully, our country will overcome the UN hoplophobes there, too. The Administration certainly will have the support of the American Second Amendment community in that endeavor."

For information on the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms follow this link:

Copyright © 2001, U.S. Newswire. On the web at:

U.S. Newswire contact is John Snyder at Tel: 202-326-5259 or 703-418-0849.



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